Monday, 19 December 2011


The Grey Matter is something that seperates us from our not so evolutionized buddies the APES!! But sometimes even the Grey matter doesn't help in making decisions that will affect the base of our future in a very unchangeable and irrevocable manner. Even though you are not very sure, of the consequences of the decisions that you make right now. But the feeling is as irresistible as the 50% sale on Louis Vuitton, a Ben & Jerries Belgiun Dark Chocolate Ice cream or the winning a jack pot all paid trip to Zurich. Though any of these mentioned scenarios have very minuscule probability in my life but the idea as good as resigning from your current pathetic job.. 

I just quit from the most ridiculous place to work. This very feeling of freedom is like winning a lottery. Though I do not know what will happen to me in the near years as i am leaving without any other offer in my hand. But for now at least I know that this is something I wanted to do. There is this very deep feeling of inner peace. 

There are so many things that i want to tell them before I leave but its OK. I am a very forgiving person and I will let them go easy this time. Further to this, I must share with you that its a very hard thing to work with the hotels or in that case any of these corporate organizations. The level of Corporate Politics at this time has gone so high that the person who has the ability to licking and shining asses is the person who reaches the top even though he or she has an IQ of a donkey.

Street smart skills, Overrated wit, and an uncanny ability to laugh at the most un-laughable and lamest of things and many more "suckabilities" will make a person a complete corporate whore. And believe me a corporate whore does not have any limits like gender, cast, creed or religion. These specimens are not rarer; you will be able to look at them in every nook and corner of the concrete jungle we call today as corporate world.

In the end as I believe it does not matter where you started even if it is from the scratch or a weird comparison. What matters is where did it end and is it a happy ending.


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